“Margie Blumberg has written a delightfully entertaining story about a family of bunny rabbits who spend a day at the beach. The rhyming text is as clever as it is entertaining. . . . Charmingly illustrated throughout by June Goulding, ‘Sunny Bunnies’ is a perfect pick for family, school, and community library picture book collections!”


"Told in rhyming verse, the story is cute and clever. . . [the] bright and cheerful illustrations are a delight and will appeal to the book’s young audience. Goulding’s ink-and-watercolor drawings are full of life and activity; she has created bunnies that are playful and endearing. Especially hilarious is the spread where the bunny children have snuck out of bed and are checking on their parents who have collapsed on top of their bed and are sound asleep, too exhausted to climb under the covers . . ." ​


"[M]y four year-old girls have really enjoyed reading (and re-reading it). The book will be a nice year-round reminder of our vacation. I really recommend Sunny Bunnies — it's gentle and sweet and has great pictures that kept my girls very interested."​


Two bunny children are very excited because they are going to the beach today. The car is loaded up with beach paraphernalia and then the family drives down to the seaside. Soon they are on the sands putting up their umbrellas, paddling in the waves, and building sand castles with friends.After a delicious lunch, the brother and sister fly a kite, play tag, eat ice cream cones, and explore tide pools. Even after they toast marshmallows on a fire and drive home, the bunny siblings are not quite finished with their wonderful day.With charming illustrations packed with details, and a cheerful rhyming text, this picture book beautifully captures the wonderful things that one can experience during a day at the beach. Children are sure to like the surprise ending.


Greg Pincus, father of the Fibs poetry form at his blog GottaBook and social media tour guide at Happy Accident, penned an ode to summer with a new poem, “At the Beach—a beach poem“ last week. His poem inspired me to pick up Margie Blumberg’s book Sunny Bunnies from the review stack.

A rabbit family packs up the car and heads to the beach where they play in the waves, fly a kite, enjoy a picnic lunch and build a sand castle. Blumberg’s story rhymes along with a pleasant read-aloud rhythm. She hits all the activities a child enjoys at the beach. June Goulding’s bunnies are picture book sweet and she fills the page with nice details including a sumptuous picnic with foods young children will recognize. At the end of the day, jars of lightening bugs glow while the family toasts marshmallows around a campfire. She also keeps the geography of the beach consistent in the different views. Her end papers are a map of Carrot Cake Park where the family has spent the day. I really like presenting maps to young children. Blumberg and Goulding hit the mark with the book’s last pages as the children, who are still not tired, jump out of bed to check on their parents and find them completely zonked, sound asleep from their big day at the beach.

MAY 30, 2011

With HOT temperatures here in Texas this weekend, I thought it would be good to have a Summer Edition for this week…….and I’ve got several children’s books that fit the bill.

First up is, Sunny Bunnies, which gets me in the mood to head to the beach right now just by looking at the cover.

Here’s the scoop: 'Summer’s here and these two sunny bunnies can’t wait to dig their toes into the sandiest spot in Carrot Cake Park. There, with the big sister leading the way, they’ll build a castle, fly a kite and, of course, jump the waves! This endearing rhyming tale with its cheerful illustrations captures their day perfectly–from the moment they fling their flip-flops until, home again, they say good night . . . almost!'

The Bunny Family has the best day at the beach that I can imagine . . . they don’t miss a thing, from ice cream treats to a campfire at night’s end (complete with S’mores). Of course when they get home, Mom and Dad are passed out on the bed from exhaustion, but Brother and Sister Bunny are still so excited from their day that they stay up and pretend they are still at the beach.

I just love the illustrations, especially of the town map . . . Carrot Cake Park, Carrot Tops School, and more!


Summer has come and sadly is almost out of here for another year. To reminisce with your child about Summer vacation or to share as a Summer bedtime story Sunny Bunnies is the perfect simple children’s book to pick up. Sunny Bunnies by author Margie Blumberg is also available as an iphone app. How cool!!

In Sunny Bunnies, Big Sister and Little Brother are excited about vacation. These two adorable illustrated bunnies share what they do from start to finish on their perfect day trip to the beach from making sand castles to sitting by a fire at night on the beach then going home.

We go on vacation to the beach in the fall instead of summer so I plan on taking this book along to read to my 6-year-old son during our stay. This is also a great book to introduce the summer season and trips. Overall, it’s a sweet and simple story with beautiful illustrations that kids (up to about age 7 or 8 ) will surely love.


Local DC writer Margie Blumberg has brought us a winner . . . just in time for the many trips to the beach this summer. Attorney turned writer, she’s showing us a great way to stop and check out the clovers (te-he . . . get the bunny joke?).Two little bunnies take a seasonal trip in a story told in rhymes—perfect for engaging little readers as you say one word and they can finish off another sentence with the rhyming word.The bunnies will be taking even further seasonal trips in future installments so start your collection of family favorites.Sunny Bunnies is written by Margie Blumberg and lovely illustrations are done by June Goulding. The book is available through MB Publishing and is available in local Barnes and Noble stores, at Politics and Prose and at The Blue House, which is located on Woodmont Avenue in Bethesda. You may also order it online at


Sunny Bunnies is a picture book told in rhyming verse by Margie Blumberg. At first glance, a picture book may seem kind of odd. I mean, they barely have any words. However, when done right, picture books are genius. Sunny Bunnies is done right. The illustrations draw Lucas in. He basically tells the story to me. It’s wonderful to see him using his imagination! The story itself is adorable and by the end of the story it’s the parents who are exhausted after a great day at the beach and the kids? Well, of course they are not tired and are ready to play some more! MIAMI MUNCHKINSBeaching year-round is one of the prime benefits of life in the Magic City. Get munchkins in the spirit with Margie Blumberg’s Sunny Bunnies. The bright, upbeat book tells the story of a family beach day—shovels, kites, picnics, ice cream and all. Simple, catchy rhymes (Almost there now—smell the sea? Fling your flip-flops! Follow me.) and colorful illustrations make the shore seem almost irresistible. Warning—expect to be building a sandcastle or two this weekend.


“This is the time for a trip to the beach and, for the pre-school and early readers, Sunny Bunnies by Margie Blumberg and illustrated beautifully by June Goulding . . . tells in rhyme the story of a family trip that is charming and a good way to prepare any youngster for his or her first trip.”


It’s summer time, and this brother and sister bunny are excited to go to the beach. Together they build a sand castle, fly a kite, have a picnic lunch, and jump in the waves. This fun family rhyming story with colorful illustrations captures a perfect summer day. (Ages 4-8)


"In Sunny Bunnies, a whimsical new children’s picture book, an adorable bunny family spends a delightful summer day at the beach. These charming bunnies enjoy special adventures — jumping in the waves, flying a kite, having a picnic, eating ice cream cones, and spending time together as a family. . . ."


Sunny Bunnies is a wonderfully written children’s book. Join a brother and sister bunny on their way to the beach. With wonderful rhyming words and fantastic fun all along the way! The bunny family start their day out packing the car up to head to the beach. Adventure ensues as they swim, fly a kite, eat ice cream and end the day with a marshmallow roast. Your little one will love the colorful pictures and flow of the book. I highly recommend this book for all children. Young readers should be able to even sound out the words!